January 18, 2009

First Blog !!

Hello, So I have just set up an account here on blogger and I think that is kinda cool that there is a site where you can own your own blog. My cousin Sam is a great creative person, and she is the one who brought me to this awesome site. She sent me an email and I looked at her blog!! It was so cool. It looked so professional!! So I decided that I will bring my website to this blog, as well as keep the web site. What is this blog about you say, well it is where all mac owners, mac fans, or mac lovers can come all together and talk about the things we like. So my website is still going under work, I mean I only have so much time, I still have homework and other things to do, half the time I try to update one of my websites, but it doesn't get done!! So I am so sorry if I am behind or have not updated something in a while!! So that is about it for my first blog!!

my website ->Mac Maniac!!